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Dr Rebecca, Lifejoy Coach & Author.

Hello, my friends. Thank you very much for having me and working so beautifully for us all...

Thank you!

Hello, my friends. Thank you very much for having me and working so beautifully for us all. Your care, grace and initiative have made such a difference to many. It has transformed my ability to work and offer a loving purpose to my brilliant clients.


Who am I?

I am Dr Rebecca, the Lifejoy Coach and Author. I am a coping strategies expert to help you find your joy, peace and courage to cope with your working life. My home is in sunny Sunderland with my mad puppy, kind husband and brave Dad nearby. I love sewing, strolling and the seaside. (I adore finding postboxes from which I send my books! Being well enough to walk to them makes me very joyous!) My life has taught me to cherish health, unity and joy. I want the same for you.


What’s my story?

I did everything right, and it all went horribly wrong. It was horribly wrong for decades with severe M.E. and also very poorly parents. We have had so much illness hit us that I was determined not to be embittered and make a loving purpose from it. My work is about helping those with ongoing challenges manage them with grace, grit and gusto. I had 12-40 weeks a year in bed, been housebound or in hospital for more than 20 years. I’ve never been on a plane, sadly not had any children and never had a kebab!

However, I know that I have done the best I could with the mega physical resources I was given. My quest was to learn as much as possible and gain the highest level of qualifications to help my precious clients. With such a rare depth of experience and education, there needed to be more ~ the vital part was empathy. As a Christian Celebrant, I have taken almost a thousand funeral services. You learn all about life, love and struggle during such a vocation.


It took me until I was 36 to go to work and I had been successfully self-employed for a decade when the pandemic hit. Overnight, everything was lost and I found myself having to start from scratch. I wrote three books in a year, expanded my coaching and learnt more.


Whom do I help?

I help good souls find a safe harbour and springboard for their minds and souls. If you are exhausted, struggling and have to take care of your world then I understand what that feels like. If you’re living with chronic illness, anxiety, depression or are neurodiverse, then I can help you navigate your way through your days. As a patron of the mental health charity, Sunderland Headlight, I have more than a decade of experience of understanding a vast range of symptoms and conditions.


How do I help?

My education was very disrupted and slow with lots of people thinking I would never manage anything. Several medics told me I would never improve, I would never work and to advised just give up. One even told me that I was unemployable. A lot of people thought my efforts to do one A level at a time and a degree on one-sixth of study time was a joke. And yet, now I have a prize-winning degree, a distinction at Master’s and a Doctorate in conflict resolution, in addition to Diplomas in Coaching, Mentoring and Pastoral and Clinical Counselling. With all of that in my toolkit for you, I developed the Lifejoy strategies. Lifejoy stands for LOVE, INTEGRITY, FORTITUDE, ENERGY, JOY, ORDER, YOU. It is a philosophy and a toolkit with a proven success record. My coaching and counselling help you to help yourself by thinking well, speaking well, writing well, choosing well and living well.

See what people are saying about Lifejoy coaching and counselling.

“Dr Rebecca’s coaching has been life-changing. I am blown away at how her gentle, kind and generous self has so humbly brought me to a better place. I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to gain so many invaluable tools from her.” F.F.

“Rebecca, you are a joy to work with, so uplifting and positive. Could do with a dose of you every day. Thanks for all the help and support.” N.M.

“Thank you Becca, we have had a fantastic time with you again. We have got so much information that we’re still talking about it now! You did so well and know it’s another job very well done on your part again.” K.M.


Get in touch… Come and be joyous!

I write inspirational books, offer 1-2-1 sessions and group training to write your book and speak in public. It is a rare opportunity to work with someone who has written five books on coping strategies, courage and joy!

Message me for a free half an hour session: 0750 4815638

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You’ve struggled for too long, let me help you manage your energy, time and life with loving care and ease.

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